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Types of Juvenile Delinquency | Classification of Juvenile Delinquency

 There are four major types of delinquency given by Howard Becker .

1. Individual Delinquency 

Individual delinquency refers to those wrong acts which is committed by individual person nor the help of other peoples.

Or, The child who is below 18 and has involved in any antisocial behaviour like, drug taking, one wheeling, pick pocketing and he has committed himself/ herself without aid of others for his own benefit it's called individual delinquency behaviour.

In individual delinquency these things must present 

• Wrong doer must be under 18

• Own planning

• Own pleasure, profit.

2. Group Supported Delinquency

In group supported delinquency the quantity of person must be two or more than two under age child and those are involve in antisocial behaviour such as, group related sexual acts, gang rape etc.

Mostly juveniles involved in sexual based acts, theft acts, drug taking, drug supplies.

3. Organised Delinquency 

A chain of people who manage the organised crimes, and ones a juvenile involve in that organised delinquency that juvenile further involve in different level of delinquency behaviours.

Organised delinquency includes,

• Child labour

• Prostitution

• Drug trafficking

• Human trafficking

• Terrorism

Organised delinquency includes provide drug to elite class children who are under age.

Mostly organised delinquency is run by multiple juveniles who are done their antisocial acts hidden and secretly by juveniles.

4. Occasional Delinquency

These type of delinquencies do not have pre planned acts it's just sudden situation that creates opportunity to do antisocial behaviour. Such as , a person in market park a motor bike and forgot to lock the bike and juvenile see that the bike is unlock and the juvenile suddenly kick the bike.

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