Major points of Classical school and Positivist School of Criminology:-

Classical school of criminology:

1) classical was given in 18th century.

2) classical school was the combined effort of Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham.

3) people commit crime due to their own nature and free will.

4) crime can be controlled by deterrence.

5) Punishment should be severe , certain, swift and proportionate.

6) punishment should fit the crime .

Positivist school :

1) Positive school was given in 19th century.

2) Positive school was the effort of Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri and Garofalo.

3) People commit crime due to some factors which may be biological psychological and sociological.

4) Crime can be controlled by treatment.

5) Factors should be addressed by reformation of Criminal.

6) Punishment should fit the criminal.