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Probation and Parole Officer

Probation :- 

                        Probation is act of testing the offender to mend his criminal way and become healthy individual in society.

Probation order mostly given to a person who don't have any criminal background in his life, and he has committed a crime first time that is not violent crime. 

Conditions of probation order :-

first time offender 

The first time offender is not given in the law but evolved traditionally by practicing it.

• probation order will not given to a person who has punished with death penalty for male offenders.

• probation order also not given to any female offender who has punished with death penalty.

• In order to is anyone awarded a probation order he or she have submit the bond to not repeat the crime.

• probation order always given to a person who has fixed residency.

• probation order employee always under the supervision of probation officer to reform him and control on repeat of crime.

• Probation order employee can not be discharged from conviction even after given a probation order.

Parole :-

Release of an offender before completion of sentence in or to place him under an employer. In simple words parole is release an offender on the method of 1/3rd of his punishment time period. If the person who has punished with the 9 years of imprisonment and he has managed 6years with  good conduct in prison then the person can be order parole license with the conditions.

Eligibility for parole license :-

• first time offender awarded upto years of punishment ( after 1.5years).

• of less then 21 years of age imprisonment up to 14 years 1/3rd of improsoment.

• life imprisonment more than 14years (10years).

Conditions of parole license :-

• Good conduct while sentencing in imprisonment.

• In order to if any person awarded parole license he can't be discharged from conviction.

• parole license awarded by government officials and with consultation of jail suprente Dante.

• Parole license employee remain supervised under parole officer.

Duties of parole officer :-

• parole officer work under the control of his assistant director.

• He must supervise of licensee/prisoner.

• Ensure reasonable accommodation condition for licensee.

• To work on payment of wages to licensee.

• Parole officer must report the breach of conditions by licensee.


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